PACE information letter

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The York Catholic District School Board offers the opportunity for all grade four students to participate in a screening process for possible identification as a gifted student and participation in our Program for Academic and Creative Extension (PACE).  The Screening Process for Entry into the PACE program is a three stage process.

Stage One:

Board-Wide Screening will take place on October 20, 2021.  Students in grade four will be given the Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test, Seventh Edition (CCAT-7), a test of thinking and reasoning skills.  The test has three sections and takes about 90 minutes in total. Your child cannot study for this activity, but making sure that your child is well-rested is the best preparation.

Students learning remotely will also have the opportunity to complete the CCAT testing at their home school. Participants will be expected to follow safety measures that include COVID 19 screening, physical distancing, hand hygiene and wearing a mask. Schools will follow enhanced health and safety protocols currently in place that include ensuring dedicated student materials and cleaning of high touch surfaces. If you would like your child to participate, please notify the home school through email or phone, by October 8, 2021. Further details regarding date and time as well as entry and exit procedures will be provided to all participants.

Stage Two:

Individual Screening of Intellectual Ability: If your child’s CCAT scores qualify for stage two, you will be notified by your school principal for more information about the individual screening.

Stage Three:

Identification, Program and Placement: Students who meet the YCDSB intellectual criterion on the individual screening will be considered for the PACE program for Grade 5.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school.