Category: General

Shrove Tuesday

We will celebrate Shrove Tuesday in preparation for Lent. Students will be provided with pancakes as a snack. Maple syrup will be offered as a topping for the pancakes. If you do not wish to have your child(ren) participate in this event, please let the classroom teacher know. 

Report Card Distribution

Our school will be delivering report cards electronically on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 (after 4:00 PM) via the Parent Portal.

Parents are encouraged to sign on to the Parent Portal in advance of February 22, 2023, to ensure their username and password will allow access.  Please note that the Multimedia area of the Parent Portal is not visible until report cards are available ... Continue reading "Report Card Distribution"

Joyeux Carnaval

Winter Carnival is in the air at St. Joseph School! We will be celebrating Carnaval the week of February 6-10. Throughout the week, the students will be involved in a variety of activities while learning about the traditions surrounding the Quebec Winter Carnival, and other Carnival celebrations around the world. Activities include LOTO (Bingo), Snow-sculpture making, participating in various theme days, and much more!  ... Continue reading "Joyeux Carnaval"

The Canadian Multicultural Inventors Museum Exhibit

SJRH is proud to celebrate Black History throughout the month of February and beyond. The Canadian Multicultural Inventors Museum will showcase an in-Person 20-table exhibit for the full school.

The Global African Icons Exhibit (GAIE) promotes and features Global African Innovators in the Arts, Music, Science, Sports, Literature, and Politics. The Icons exemplify Transformational leadership, which is a process in which ... Continue reading "The Canadian Multicultural Inventors Museum Exhibit"