Category: General

SJRH Nurturing Hope Spring Food Drive

Dear SJRH families,

As we continue to navigate through this unprecedented moment in history and slowly begin to see some glimmers of hope for a better tomorrow, there continues to be a steady increase in the number of families who require support from our local Food Bank.

Schools across the York Catholic District School Board are inspired by our Holy Father, ... Continue reading "SJRH Nurturing Hope Spring Food Drive"

Sacramental preparation programs for First Reconciliation /First Holy Communion and Confirmation Program online registration for 2021/2022.

Please see below for information from Our Lady Queen of the World Parish regarding sacramental preparation programs for First Reconciliation /First Holy Communion and Confirmation Program online registration for 2021/2022.

Dear Parents,

If you are a registered worshipping parishioner of Our Lady Queen of the World Parish and your child will be in Gr. 2 and above in the Fall for ... Continue reading "Sacramental preparation programs for First Reconciliation /First Holy Communion and Confirmation Program online registration for 2021/2022."

SJRH Class Placements and Organization for Sept 2021

Our primary concern when creating class lists is to leverage our professional judgment to address individual and collective needs, as well as the spiritual, educational, and social needs of SJRH’s students. We take this task seriously and confer with each other regarding observations and experiences over the year with each child. 

We have found ourselves in extraordinary circumstances since March 2020, and our ... Continue reading "SJRH Class Placements and Organization for Sept 2021"

Sankofa- Virtual Saturday Mornings

The York Region Alliance of African Canadian Communities, supported by the Government of Canada, is hosting Sankofa Virtual Saturday Mornings Storytelling and Poetry Program. The program is rooted in African and Caribbean art and is free for Black students in Grades 5 to 7. It will take place every Saturday, until June 19, 2021. For more information about the program and/or to ... Continue reading "Sankofa- Virtual Saturday Mornings"

Catholic Education Week

The first week of May, Catholic schools and communities celebrate Catholic Education Week. The 2021 theme for Catholic Education Week is Nurturing Hope. The challenges to personal spiritual well-being posed by the uncertainty and physical isolation of the current global pandemic make this year’s theme quite fitting as we build on last year’s theme, Igniting Hope.

Each day during Catholic Education week celebrates ... Continue reading "Catholic Education Week"