Category: General

School Closures-Tech Distribution

As shared earlier this week, the Premier of Ontario has announced that elementary and secondary school students, province-wide, will participate in remote learning following the April Break. For SJRH, this means that students will participate in remote learning effective Monday, April 19, until further notice. 

Need a device?

If your child is in need of a Chromebook to participate in remote ... Continue reading "School Closures-Tech Distribution"

ShareLife Week

At SJRH it is our goal to grow students to become creative and critical thinkers who integrate Gospel values into their daily lives so they can become socially responsible citizens who demonstrate compassion, resilience, responsibility, and hope. Charitable giving to help people who are less fortunate is one of the ways we can foster these values in our students. St. Joseph is proud to announce ... Continue reading "ShareLife Week"

1-hour Mindful Movement

Attention all families, students, and staff members; please join our school community for some much-needed 1-hour Mindful Movement practice led by Jess Darmanin.

This evening is an opportunity for us to practice mindful movement and self-connection with the support of our family and community, in an effort to feel good, both mentally and physically, and to find peace. Our practice will include accessible ... Continue reading "1-hour Mindful Movement"

Feast Days

1) Wednesday, March 17th is St. Patrick’s day. In honour of St. Patrick, SJRH staff and students are encouraged to wear something green on Wednesday, March 17th. 

2) The feast of St. Joseph is celebrated on March 19th. St. Joseph’s life was that of an ordinary workman, yet his ability to see and communicate the presence of God made him extraordinary. Although Sacred ... Continue reading "Feast Days"