Category: General

Christmas Giving

Dear Parents

During the Christmas season, St. Vincent de Paul Society at our parish, Our Lady Queen of the World, helps over 100 families by providing gift cards to them. We would like to ask our students to support this by bringing in gift cards for Walmart or any local grocery stores to assist these families, especially during this ... Continue reading "Christmas Giving"

Advent Liturgy

Students will be participating in a”Virtual” Advent Liturgy on Wednesday, Dec 16 at 12:40 p.m.  As we had done with the Remembrance Ceremony last month, Remote students will be included at this time.

Grade 4 Pace Testing

As you are aware, the board-wide screening process for potential identification as gifted and placement in the PACE program takes place in grade 4.  As in the past, we begin with the administration of the  CCAT 7. On Monday December 7, 2020 Grade 4 students will be writing the Canada wide CCAT or Pace test to see if any students qualify, the ... Continue reading "Grade 4 Pace Testing"


To the SJRH school community,

I know information has gone out to indicate I will be the Acting Principal at St. Joseph RH for the next while, but I would like to formally introduce myself.  Although I have been retired for a several  years, I have assisted our Board a number of times as an acting Administrator in a number of schools to ... Continue reading "Introduction"

Safety Awareness Week – October 5 to 9

“Safe and Caring School Communities”

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The York Catholic District School Board has a primary responsibility and goal to ensure a safe learning environment for all of our students and staff in our school community.

As part of our safety initiative St. Joseph, Richmond Hill, along with all other schools in the York Catholic District School Board, will ... Continue reading "Safety Awareness Week – October 5 to 9"