
Parent Teacher Interviews

As you have been made aware, this year St. Joseph RH will be using the School-Day cashless system.  Parents must register each of their children that attend SJRH in this system, using the instructions and Secure-Match code you were sent by email and hard copy back in October.

Parent-teacher interviews are coming up on November 16 and 17, 2023.  In order to book ... Continue reading "Parent Teacher Interviews"

Anaphylaxis and Allergies

As outlined in the Board’s Allergy policy, parents are asked to inform the school of life-threatening allergies and are required to fill in S15 and S15a forms (forms will be shared electronically with parents). Parents are asked to ensure that students for whom Epi-Pens are prescribed have two Epi-Pens at school. It is strongly advised that one Epi-Pen is on the student’s person at all ... Continue reading "Anaphylaxis and Allergies"

Pediculosis (Lice)

The York Catholic District School Board recognizes concerns related to pediculosis (head lice) at the school and community level. Pediculosis (head lice) are not a public hazard, as they do not cause illness, but they are a nuisance. To prevent pediculosis (head lice) from becoming a problem at our school we all need to work together. Please check your child’s head on a regular basis ... Continue reading "Pediculosis (Lice)"


As we approach Halloween we anticipate the joy of those who will wish to celebrate this time with great joy, and also those who would offer caution and consideration. It is important to note that we must discourage cultural misappropriation in costumes, and the appropriateness of costumes to be worn in our school.

Some suggestions to bring to your attention include:

SJRH EQAO School Profile

We are pleased to provide you with achievement highlights of our school results on the provincial EQAO Test written last spring. We will be reviewing our detailed EQAO results and other school assessment data, in order to build on our strengths and address areas requiring improvement. Students who participated in the assessment received their individual results in October. For additional information about this and other ... Continue reading "SJRH EQAO School Profile"

PACE Parent Information Letter

The York Catholic District School Board offers the opportunity for all grade four students to participate in a screening process for possible identification as a gifted student and participation in our Program for Academic and Creative Extension (PACE).  The Screening Process for Entry into the PACE program is a three stage process.

Stage One: Board-Wide Screening will take place the week of October ... Continue reading "PACE Parent Information Letter"