The Lunch Lady Program
The Lunch Lady program is thrilled to be back serving the community at St Joseph on Mondays.
Please find the start-up package linked:
If you have any questions, ... Continue reading "The Lunch Lady Program"
The Lunch Lady program is thrilled to be back serving the community at St Joseph on Mondays.
Please find the start-up package linked:
If you have any questions, ... Continue reading "The Lunch Lady Program"
Attached please find a message from our Trustees Mazzotta and Iafrate.
In an effort to promote a safer return to the classroom after the winter break, on behalf of the Government of Ontario, St. Joseph Richmond Hill is pleased to be able to provide take-home rapid antigen screening kits to every child who attends a publicly-funded school in Ontario.
The rapid antigen screening kits are intended for use by any child that attends a ... Continue reading "Rapid Antigen Test Kits"
Christmas is just around the corner and with it a renewed sense of awe and hope. Please join us, as we celebrate the Advent mass with Father Jojo on December 16 at 12:45 pm. (Livestream link)
Looking forward to celebrating with you this very special mass.
GETTING INTO THE ‘CHRISTMAS SPIRIT’ WEEK: From December 13th to the 17th. SJRH will be showing and sharing their very best Christmas Spirit with a number of theme days!
Monday, December 13th, 2021: Dress in Green, Red, and White Day
Tuesday, December 14th, 2021: Scarf, Hat & Toque Day
Wednesday, December 15th, 2021:Purple/Pink/White/Green: Advent Colours Day
Thursday, ... Continue reading "Advent & Christmas Spirit Week"