Category: General

SJRH CSC BBQ- Volunteer

We are looking for people to help with various stations on the day of the BBQ. We are asking for 1 hour of your time, or more (if you are able to). Station support is needed during the BBQ from 4 pm to 7 pm. Also, any additional support you can give to help with set-up (before the event) or clean-up (right at the end ... Continue reading "SJRH CSC BBQ- Volunteer"

Class Placements and Organization for September 2023

As we prepare for class placements please be advised that staff will be beginning the process for the 2023-24 school year. Our primary concern when creating class lists is to leverage our professional judgment to address individual and collective needs, as well as the spiritual, educational, and social needs of SJRH’s students. We take this task seriously and confer with each other regarding observations and ... Continue reading "Class Placements and Organization for September 2023"

Bowling Night

The Catholic School Council is pleased to announce the first St. Joseph RH Bowling Night on Thursday, April 27, 2023.  The school community will have the opportunity to participate in an exciting evening of bowling with their families and friends.  This event will take place at Pro Bowl located at 10593 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, ON from 4:00 – 7:00 pm.

All families ... Continue reading "Bowling Night"

Parking Lot Safety

Everyone must feel safe and welcome when they come to our school, and that begins in our parking lot. Please remember that our parking lot is not intended for double parking or stopping. Drivers are reminded to park in available parking spots or use off-street parking where appropriate. Please do not choose haste and convenience over the safety of our children. We highlight parking lot ... Continue reading "Parking Lot Safety"