Category: General
Curriculum Night
This year’s curriculum night will take place on Thursday, September 22, 2022. Please take advantage of this opportunity to meet your child’s teacher, see their learning space and become informed about expectations and curriculum for this year. Classroom teachers will be in their own classrooms. We will be running two sessions from 6:30pm to 7:00pm and 7:00 to 7:30pm.
Standardized Dress Code
SJRH implements a Standardized Dress Code. All students are expected to come to school in proper Dress Code clothing. The approved Standardized Dress Code for SJRH will include the following:
- Colours of RED, BLACK, and WHITE
- SJRH Wear (i.e., Spirit Wear track pants and t-shirts) ... Continue reading "Standardized Dress Code"
The Ministry of Health does not designate Pediculosis as a communicable disease, and as such, it is not considered a health hazard to the community. Anyone can get head lice, regardless of cleanliness. Head lice is not a public hazard, as it does not cause illness, but they are a nuisance. Please check your child’s head regularly for lice or nits. If you find lice ... Continue reading "Pediculosis"
Anaphylaxis and Allergies
As outlined in the Board’s Allergy policy, parents are asked to inform the school of life-threatening allergies and are required to fill in S15 and S15a forms (forms will be shared electronically with parents). Parents are asked to ensure that students for whom Epi-Pens are prescribed have two Epi-Pens at school. It is strongly advised that one Epi-Pen is on the student’s person at all ... Continue reading "Anaphylaxis and Allergies"
Asthma Protection
Asthma management is a shared responsibility among students, parents, caregivers, and the school community. It is the responsibility of parent(s)/guardian(s) to advise the school immediately upon registration and/or when in receipt of a diagnosis of asthma. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are to ensure that all medical information pertinent to their child’s diagnosis of asthma is always current. If your child has a diagnosis of asthma, please contact the ... Continue reading "Asthma Protection"