Category: General
Grade 8 Graduation Photo Day
Kindness Week
This month at SJRH we have been celebrating Black History Month through rich classroom conversations, books, videos, and biographies. Next week we will conclude this incredible month with Kindness Week. Please see the linked schedule for the theme of the day, suggested daily activities, and some themed libraries which you can access at home.
Parents, during the week, if you ... Continue reading "Kindness Week"
Family Wellness Evening
The current health crisis has not only affected so many with physical health issues but many are suffering with mental health issues. With normal life, all over the world, being put on hold or at least drastically altered, many people may be experiencing feelings of stress or anxiety. There are many tools available that can help alleviate this.
Schools are an ideal place ... Continue reading "Family Wellness Evening"
Black History Month Virtual Presentation
We are thrilled to share that on February 24th our grades 4-8 students will participate in a virtual Black History Month workshop, presented by the Canadian Multicultural Inventors Museum featuring Ciaran Phillip.
We would like to thank our Catholic School Council for their generosity in making this possible.
School Reopening
On behalf of the staff at SJRH, we would like to wish you and your families a safe and relaxing Family Day Long Weekend.
We would like to take the opportunity to once again acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of our students. We look forward to welcoming back in-person learners & continuing the journey with our remote students on Tuesday, February 16, 2021. ... Continue reading "School Reopening "