Category: General
In-person vs remote learning
As a friendly reminder, between August 25-27, families wishing to change learning modality can do so by:
- Calling or emailing the school office with your change request;
- If staff are not able to answer your call, leave a message with your child’s name, grade, and the change you are requesting – either remote or in-person.
... Continue reading "In-person vs remote learning" -
June Updates
Asynchronous half day: Beginning June 18th your child’s classroom teacher will schedule and inform parents of an asynchronous half-day to prepare student belongings for our retrieval day.
Student Retrieval and Face-to-Face Goodbye: A schedule has been created to ensure a safe and orderly retrieval of items that your child may have left at school and to return any school ... Continue reading "June Updates"
Year End Mass
Fr. Jojo will be celebrating a virtual Mass for SJRH. The Mass will be live-streamed from Our Lady Queen of the World Catholic Church’s YouTube channel on Monday, June 21, 2021 at 10:15 a.m.
Report Card Delivery
Our school will be delivering report cards electronically on Tuesday, June 29th (after 4:00 PM) via the Parent Portal.
Parents are encouraged to sign-on to the Parent Portal in advance of June 29th, 2021 to ensure your username and password will allow access.
To access this portal, please visit our school’s website, and click on the parents link in the top ... Continue reading "Report Card Delivery"