Category: General

Updates for Temporary Remote Learning

Temporary remote learning:

Temporary remote learning is currently available, until February 22, 2022, for students enrolled in face-to-face learning. Students who chose temporary remote learning may return to face-to-face learning at any time. However, during this time of temporary remote learning, switching back and forth between the two modalities is not permitted unless for reasons of illness. Students in Kindergarten should receive a ... Continue reading "Updates for Temporary Remote Learning"

Information About School Re-Opening

We are preparing to safely reopen our school on Monday, January 17, 2022, with a focus on the health, safety, and well-being of all of our staff and students.  Please rest assured that our re-entry plan is consistent with the updated guidance and directives set out by the York Region Public Health Department while respecting social norms.  Risk mitigation will continue to involve a three-tiered ... Continue reading "Information About School Re-Opening"

Advent Mass

Christmas is just around the corner and with it a renewed sense of awe and hope. Please join us,  as we celebrate the Advent mass with Father Jojo on December 16 at 12:45 pm. (Livestream link

Looking forward to celebrating with you this very special mass.